
Is It The Best? This Was Very Interesting.

By Quincy McLachlan

Out of all the bodybuilders interviewed only two were using the same brand of creatine. 25% said the type they were using was the best while the others were open to suggestions.

The bodybuilders using the same type explained that Muscle Advance Creatine Monohydrate was new on the market and had worked better than any other creatine they tried. I asked why they felt it worked best? Their reply was, that they felt more energy and got 30% more reps than normal. This is typical isn't it? They were only getting one or two extra reps per set using their other brand.

I visited some of the local exercise rooms in the area and spoke to some very big men about creatine. Some of these guys were very big already so I was sure to include some regular sized guys that were working out hard in my interviews.

I took the bottle back to a bodybuilder that I had interviewed from before for him to try it out and give me a real creatine monohydrate review. He agreed and continued his daily maintenance schedule. I came back after 3 weeks for a follow up. These were his words exactly, "Richard there is nothing else like this in the world! My results are truly amazing. Can you get me more?"

Creatine Ethyl Ester HCl is an exceptionally soluble creatine resulting in advanced absorption, increased bioavailability, and stability. Creatine ethyl ester directly penetrates the muscle cell resulting in 30 to 40 times more functional creatine.

One was taking 35g/day and had been for 6 days so far, while the other was taking around 20g/day and had been for just two days.

At levels of 20% higher than normal work outs go into overdrive allowing you extra reps or higher weights thus producing results sooner.

Fact is in study conducted in the UK revealed that the creatine loading phase was only necessary for those that wanted to reach their muscle creatine concentration within the first 5 days.

My muscle gains were due to a combination of a solid weight resistance program, plenty of rest, proper dieting and the use of the right bodybuilding supplements. Creatine Ethyl Ester gave me an extra push to help me realize my optimal lean muscle gains.

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