
Inflatable Tunnels For Almost Any Sport

By Myrtle Cash

Professional sports teams have all been using the inflatable tunnels now for the last few years. They are probably the most recognizable on the football fields but other sports have been using them too. Soccer, baseball, and even some hockey teams have all used these tunnels and they all have nothing but great things to say about them.

Before these tunnels were used the players would exit the stadium tunnels without too much fanfare. While the crowd still cheered, they still loved to root for their team it just was not the same. Watching the players that you root for and admire come out of a big Lions head or whatever mascot the team uses is something special.

We have all seen players run through them to enter the field of play. They run through the tunnel and past the smoke and lasers and into the field. Once they are out on the field the fans go wild and the tunnel is being prepared to be taken down. Fast and easy the tunnels make their appearance and then go away. But they are not just used for the games.

These also make great promotional tools. When the teams are doing an event somewhere within their home city they bring along theirs. They set them up and the players can exit from the inflatable tunnels right into the crowd as they all go wild. Events like these are great for bringing the team and team players into the public eye.

So far only the pros, college, and some semi-pro teams have used them. But they are being considered for various other levels as well. They are even considering using them for professional hockey teams. Even though the ice might propose a problem, the biggest issue is that they do not have enough room because the player enter the ice from the short side of the rink.

The parents and the kids love it. The parents seem to like it a little more however. When these were tested with the youth sports teams it was the parents who cheered the loudest. When asked why after the game they said because it made them feel as if they were watching their kids on a professional field.

They don't even need to be used for sporting events either. They have been known to be used for other things. Anything that can be related to an animal mouth or any thing else can be used for an exit or entrance. For instance some rock bands or other musical acts have used similar ones to make their entrance onto the stage before a performance.

The inflatable tunnels are such a great way to add something more to the game and they are very easy to handle. They do not cause problems, they are safe, and they are extremely easy to handle. They go up in a flask and come down just as quick. The players and fans love them so there is nothing more to be said. These are a great addition to the field of any sport.

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