
How A Vision Tester Works

By Marissa Velazquez

Vision tester is a small instrument commonly found in health centers. This one is used to particularly diagnose eye complications. It is after diagnosis that the health providers get to determine the correct remedy for particular complications. The machine occurs in varying sizes, depending on complexity.

For instance, there are people who can only see objects which are at a close range and not those far away. Such people are termed as being myopic. This problem results from defective formation of an image of an object in vision. Instead of an image being formed on the retina, distant images in this case are formed in front of the retina. This thus results in blurred vision, resulting in the necessity of aids in vision or some form of medication.

The second problem is that one in which an individual can only see the distant objects. Unlike the individuals with short sight, people with long sight cannot see objects close to them clearly. This problem affects both the old and young people. When the machine is used to detect this problem, images are placed at different distances and the patient asked t identify the distance at which they can see the image clearly.

Some people who are found having the above two complications are usually given glasses. This is because there is no medication that has been identified for the two problems. The strength of the lens offered depends on the severity of the complication identified by the tester. Some people who do not want to use glasses may opt to use contact lenses. Others may also choose to have permanent solutions, among which is surgery and laser treatment.

Some people may however not be inclined to using glasses. These people if suffering from long or short sight may be forced to select more expensive options. These options include those such as laser treatment or surgery, which require more experienced attendants in the medical field. Other patients who just have got eye pains may be given eye drops. These ones contain chemicals which rectify any problem after a period of time.

There are a number of merits as well as demerits associated with this kind of equipment. There are some which are small in size. These ones therefore make portability from one place to another very easy. When conducting tests, the patients and the operator are not strained at all, making the exercise comfortable for both of them. Operation also does not require much skill.

However, there also are some demerits associated with it. In order for patients to access it, they have to visit a heath center. Those without the means of getting to the health center may thus miss out on the opportunity of receiving treatment using this equipment. Some medical practitioners may lead to wrong diagnosis if they do not know to handle it.

Vision tester has served a number of health centers very well. Most people appreciate the service of this equipment so much. Through its use, people have had their sight restored. The centers having it on their part generate very good amounts of income just from its use.

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