
A Revolution In Bodybuilding Supplements

By Kyle Heier

Bodybuilding supplements tend to portray mixed feelings among any crowd of individuals. To those who are familiar with them, the questions are "What are you using?", "Are you going all-natural?", and "how do you like them"? Among others of course. To the crowd who looks in from the outside, you may get anything from pure curiosity, to the looks typically reserved for those deemed out of their minds. And that is just the thing, there is far too little information out there on the growing industry of bodybuilding supplements. If one thing is for certain however, is that it is indeed a vastly growing industry.

There are still those who are uneducated or unwilling when it comes to bodybuilding supplements or supplements in general. This number is dwindling steadily. While there are quite a few companies that sell various types of supplements, there is certainly one that stands out from the rest. The Vitamin Shoppe is a publicly traded company and have been growing steadily every year. Among this group, there is also GNC and Popeye's Supplements. These groups sell most every brand manufactured supplement to-date. While there are many, the fact the The Vitamin Shoppe is publicly owned gives everyone a great insight to part of the industry. While the industry is vast, this group in particular holds some of the largest market share.

In 2008, the sports nutrition supplements industry was marked in at $4.2 billion in sales. The Vitamin Shoppe annual report for 2012 marks sales at $950.9 million in which 53% of those supplements were specifically related to sports nutrition. The average year over year growth for this company from 2007 - 2012 has been just over %10 with a slight decrease in 2010 which can easily be related to the economic fall during the time. People were still however looking to train hard despite the financial hardships, as the industry as a whole was still growing at a positive rate.

While the numbers don't lie the problem still exists. Various companies have tried their best to eradicate the poor and still rampant mentality towards bodybuilding supplements. Some companies have begun to succeed as well. If you have ever watched a recent mixed martial arts event, you may see some athletes sporting shorts with the Muscle Pharm brand. This raised a few questions among people. The most common one is, "how is that even allowed?" It's funny what a little education can do when it comes to a small lacking in understanding. Even Olympic athletes will have their favorite brands that have been cleared for use in the games.

Bottom line, while there still exists in the short-term, a stigma that may be unfavorable to supplements and those who may use them, it is a growing industry. With the push more recently in our culture to get fit, it is only going to become more popular. While supplements don't do all the work for you when you are training for whatever it is you are trying to achieve, they do lend a helping hand. It is more about knowing what supplements are going to most benefit you, and why.

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