
The Health Benefits Of Guava

By Hitch Teneson

Treatment of coughs, diarrhea, constipation, dysentery, high blood pressure and scurvy are just some of the health benefits of Guava. These fruits are seasonal but very popular in Asia. When ripe, guavas normally have a red or pink inside and a green, yellow or maroon on the outer cover. The pulp has dozens of small hard seeds that are normally swallowed together with the flesh. Many people like eating guavas while semi-ripe and crunchy, while others like eating them when ripe.

The amount and concentration of nutrients contained in the guava fruit is the main reason why fitness enthusiasts and nutritionist refer to it as the super-fruit. Guavas have high concentrations of minerals, vitamins, proteins and roughage. When these fruits are grown, no chemical pesticide or fertilizer is used, so they are considered organic. Nutritionists from all over the world recommend this fruit.

Experts recommend consumption of guavas on a regular basis to keep blood pressure in check. When used frequently, guavas can help to lower high blood pressure. Furthermore, it also helps to increase the fluidity of blood. This will prevent thickening of blood from occurring. This will contribute to the overall well-being of an individual.

The juice of immature or raw guavas has some astringent properties which help in dealing with colds and coughs. This is achieved through inhibition of microbial activities, disinfection of the lungs, throat and the entire respiratory tract, and reducing mucus. The fruit also has one of the highest contents of iron and vitamin C that can be found in any fruit. These two nutrients are known to suppress colds, viral infections and coughs.

Diarrhea and dysentery can be cured by guavas. The fruit has astringent properties that can cure diarrhea by binding up loose bowels. The antibacterial properties of astringents inhibits microbial growth and helps to get rid of excessive mucus from the digestive tract; effectively curing dysentery.

Guavas are packed with essential nutrients, fibers and roughage. When eaten wholly, guavas can keep hunger pangs at bay. This can make a person lose a significant amount of weight very fast because of the lower calorie intake. Since guavas are packed with essential nutrients and minerals, and free of less digestible carbohydrates, they are the perfect weight loss remedy. People who are thin can also increase their weight by taking the fruit on a regular basis.

Constipation problems can be treated by regular intake of guavas. The seeds of the fruit, if ingested wholly or after chewing, acts as a laxative. This property, combined with the high fiber content of the super-fruit make guavas the perfect cleansing agents. It can clean the excretory and digestive systems thoroughly, and put a stop to constipation, which is known to cause a wide range of other health complications.

People from various parts of the world know the health benefits of guava. These fruits are known to have many health benefits, and cannot be compared with any other fruit. They can help cure toothaches, wounds, reduce risk of cancer and protect the prostate among other things.

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