
When To Find A Life Enrichment Coach

By Beryl Dalton

When people have that one enormous weakness, clear as a wart on a nose, it is not difficult to recognize it for what it is. However hard it might be to deal with a drinking problem, wake up soused in enough gutters and it promptly becomes clear that this is just what the problem is. A life enrichment coach is for those whose issues don't quite stand out like a horn the middle of one's forehead, or for whom the issue isn't unhappiness so much as a failure to thrive according to one's dreams.

There are trained specialists in this field, or more typically those who started as such, but most have an intuitive sense for the holistic. Even without a license, there will be enough knowledge of diet to recognize a client's bad habits, those things that weaken happiness and sap energy. A coach will be able to recommend the dietary alterations that will contribute to overall success.

Fitness and diet are inevitably related, though different people will draw that line in different places. Some people need to spend a half year on the treadmill before listening to advice that they need to cut down on cheeseburgers. Then there are those who might need a yoga program, or simply to walk a mile each morning to get some sunlight with their workout.

It's hard to have a happy life if things aren't right with one's own family, and many people are so deeply nested into habits passed down generation after generation that they could use an informed outsider's advice. First, of course, is our relations with spouses and children, relations which rarely seem perfect. Relations with our own parents, though, can also become a source of tension as they grow older and suffer the strains of old age.

Dating success just might be the number one area for seeking help. Dating and single life is so often an area of acute pain, so much so that the rest of our lives can seem flat if there is a lack of success here. Heartbreak afflicts anyone. Proper coaching can help with everything and anything, from ice breaking lines to networking, from wardrobe to help with arousal.

Aside from love, wealth is perhaps the other big trouble area in life, and some people had better get their financial house in order before doing anything else. One should not confuse a coach with a tax accountant or professional financial consultant. The former is best at addressing broad based issues of wealth repulsion and attraction, attitudes toward work, and the like. Best leave the real number crunching to the accountants.

Many people need emotional healing, and their sessions for coaching might seem like psychotherapy. In fact, quite a few coaches began as licensed counselors, giving them a certain base of professional expertise to draw upon. They might be able recognize an addiction problem, or the signs of childhood abuse.

Psychological counseling is typically directed at people who are suffering. Coaching, by contrast, is generally for those who at least do not self-diagnose as troubled, but who want more. It can be the best choice for millions.

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