
How To Diet And Use HIIT For Maximum Weight Loss

By Russ Howe

If you're like most people, then you have probably asked for advice on how to lose weight in the past and been baffled by the many contradicting answers you have heard. Today we will be looking at five proven factors which will help you to remove doubt from your diet plan and get some serious results.

Furthermore, we will take five of the most extensively researched factors behind fat loss and then show you how to combine them with a HIIT program for maximum results. []

Once you have been able to lay down the ground work with the five diet principles, you can add a high intensity interval training routine alongside it to elevate results one step further. Let's start with a quick look through the diet principles:

* Your total daily calories must change.

* Your protein/carbohydrates/fats ratio must be optimized.

* Learn how much water intake you need to be getting on a daily basis.

* Learn how to maximize your snacks.

* Discover the best time to consume carbohydrates for fat loss results.

The first rule, before you do anything else at all, is to change your daily calorie intake. If you carry on eating the same volume of food you will find it harder to drop unwanted fat. Write down a food diary over the next couple of days and you'll get an idea of how many calories you are currently eating at the moment. Then simply take 200-300 off this target. If you want to drop the total by a large amount it would be best to do it in gradual stages over the course of a couple of weeks, so you don't shock the body into starvation mode.

Once you have done that, you can then look at where those calories are coming from. Without changing your calories too much, you can generate great results by simply ensuring those calories are arriving in your body from better sources. For example, somebody eating 2000 calories from junk food would look far worse than someone getting 2000 from healthy foods, despite the fact they are eating the same overall. A good way to get this balance in check is to use the 4-4-2 concept, which is 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats. []

Third on the list is water. If you don't think you drink enough water than the chances are you're right. Your muscles are mainly made up for water, so in order to get that lean, full look to them you need to ensure your water consumption is on point. To do this, fill two one liter bottles at the start of the day and work through them as the day progresses.

Of course, one of the main factors causing so many people to fall off their healthy diet is the temptation to snack on junk food while at work. You can eradicate this temptation by taking some small snack tubs to work with you. Put protein rich foods in there and you'll not only stay away from the vending machine, you'll also notice that protein snacks greatly elevate your success in the gym.

Not only will you stop craving junk foods, you'll also have far more energy.

To ensure your carbohydrates are consumed mainly as fuel, rather than stored with the potential to be claimed as fat, you should consume your main carbohydrate intake around your busiest portion of the day. You don't need to pay attention to myths which state that you need to stay away from carbs at night, the fact is you can consume them at any point throughout the day if you are keeping active.

Now let's look at combining these tips with high intensity interval training to take the results even higher. If you can combine all of the diet tips above with three sessions per week on a bike or treadmill, switching between four minutes of moderate intensity and 30 second bursts of maximum effort you will see excellent results. You needn't work for longer than half an hour in total.

Most people get lost when they ask for information on how to lose weight because many of the answers you hear are based on little more than popular opinion. Today, you have discovered the facts on both healthy weight loss and how to get the benefits of hiit alongside your new lifestyle. By basing your program around proven facts, the chances of long-term success are far more likely.

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