
Natural Ways To Increase Testosterone Bioavailability In Athletes

By Meggan D. Landis

Many men who become naturally deficient in testosterone ponder the relationship between having a vasectomy and testosterone levels if thinking about boosting their testosterone levels with testosterone replacement therapy.The connection between vasectomy and testosterone production may influence their decision as to whether to have a vasectomy or not.

So, I decided to do some good digging and reading and then if I manage to put things together, to lay that in writing form so that others can benefit as well. Without wasting even a minute more I will start this off by describing what testosterone is and what it does in the human body. Testosterone is a steroid hormone with anabolic and androgenic properties. It is the main hormone, responsible for the increase in lean muscle tissue, increased libido, energy, bone formation, and immune function.Testosterone is secreted in the testes in men and in the ovaries in women. Small amounts are also secreted in the adrenal glands. Testosterone is derived from cholesterol. The levels of testosterone in men range between 350 and 1,000 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dl). Sex Hormone Binding Globulin or SHBG is the one that concerns us the greatest. Why? Because this is the main reason why testosterone might not be available to reach the cell receptor. When testosterone gets attached to SHBG, it is no longer able to perform its anabolic functions.What elevates SHGB: Anorexia nervosa, Hyperthyroidism, Hypogonadism (males), Androgen insensitivity/deficiency, Alcoholic hepatic cirrhosis (males), Primary biliary cirrhosis (females).What suppresses SHGB: Obesity, Hypothyroidism, Hirsutism (females), Acne vulgaris, Polycystic ovarian disease, Acromegaly, Androgen-secreting ovarian tumors Less than 1% of the circulating testosterone is in a free form in males (less that 3% in females). Only when in a free form this hormone can exhibit its properties by connecting to the androgen receptors on the cell walls. Based on a study 14 to 50 per cent of the testosterone is bound to SHBG in males and 37 to 75 in females. It is worth mentioning that SHGB poses very high affinity for binding to testosterone. Therefore, changes in the SHGB levels noticeably influence the level of bioavailable testosterone.Let's discuss for a moment what exactly a testosterone bioavailability is. Other than SHGB there are two more testosterone-binding proteins, also called carriers. One of them is albumin. It is a low-affinity binding protein, thus testosterone bound to it is considered "bioavailable". Albumin binds to testosterone in the range 45 to 85 per cent in men (25 - 65 in women). The third carrier is the cortisol binding globulin, which binds also with low-affinity to less that 1 % of the testosterone in circulation.

Some research concerning having a vasectomy and testosterone levels shows no change in hormone level in the blood.A link between prostate cancer and the amount of testosterone in the blood sheds light on the subject. The association between prostate cancer, and vasectomy and testosterone production research is sketchy.

For men who already have prostate cancer, increasing testosterone advances the condition. A higher incidence of men who have had vasectomies having prostate cancer indicates a higher relationship between those have had a vasectomy and testosterone production increase. In 1993 two large research projects concerning vasectomy and testosterone levels were conducted. In one, 10,000 men that had a vasectomy had 1.5 times the chance of getting prostate cancer. The other study of vasectomy and testosterone levels came to the same conclusion.But in June of 1999 a study of vasectomy and testosterone production showed there was no difference in the number of people who had had vasectomies when prostate cancer victims were surveyed.

The surgery affects neither the subsequent desire for sex by a man nor the frequency at which he can perform it.A question arises if there is a safe way to boost testosterone levels for men who have vasectomies and suspect they are suffering from low testosterone levels without side effects.

When you exercise the right way, your body will reward you by releasing human growth hormone, and testosterone into your blood stream.What is the right way to exercise? Weight training that uses several large muscles at the same time. Think squats, lunges, and bench press.High intensity, short duration exercises such as sprints, jump squats,running stairs, and jump rope.The get this hormonal release you need to surpass the lactate threshold.You'll know when you've arrived when you feel that burn in your legs while churning out the last few rep of your routine.

Testosterone is a naturally occurring hormone in men as well as women, of course, women having lower levels in their body. The primary effects of the hormone in the body are anabolic, which is responsible for building bones from infancy through puberty and into early adulthood and androgen, which causes the growth of muscles and hair on the body. Although it is a natural part of the bodies system and ideally should regulate itself, there are times when Testosterone Supplements may be desired or even necessary for the body.

Those that may choose on their own to take Testosterone Supplements are usually bodybuilders and athletes that want to increase muscle mass and stamina during their workouts and exercises. Others that may find it necessary to take the supplements are those that have less natural testosterone in their bodies caused by medical conditions and have it prescribed to them by a doctor. Whatever the case and cause may be, testosterone should be taken in a certain way and at particular times.

Keep your blood pressure and the serum cholesterol in check. Eat enough good fats in your diet. Good means monounsaturated and omega-3 and 6 polyunsaturated fats.Don't ever overtrain. Sleep enough to promote good recovery. Signs of overtraining are loss of appetite, tiredness and irritability, lack of motivation, impaired mental focus, prolonged recovery periods.Start relying more heavily on basic exercise movements. Train in the low rep range most of the time. 5 - 8 reps will ensure that you're using weights that will eventually stimulate elevated testosterone levels.It will only do you good if you decide to try some or all of these natural supplements: chrysin - piperine blend, nettle root extract, pygeum, avena sativa extract, and tribulus terestris. Try to find them in your local health store. Follow the directions for best results.And you shouldn't even consider training without supplementing your diet with enough vitamin C (at least 1g a day) and zinc (15mg min.). Take vitamin C with your multivitamin formula after breakfast, and post-workout with your protein shake. Zinc should be present in your multivitamin blend but this is not enough. Take zinc with magnesium in the form of ZMA right before you go to bed on an empty stomach.

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