
Lose the Wrinkles and Look Younger

By Anne Fennell

Cosmetic treatments have advanced tremendously in the recent years, particularly when it comes to the treatment for facial wrinkles. When one has wrinkles on their face, the nature of the world today looks at them like they are "older", and such a big value is placed on a youthful looking face.

But what do wrinkle treatments involve? Treatments in this area are offered by a wide variety of medical professionals, however, what information should you have before deciding? Below, we will look further into what these processes entail for wrinkle treatments.

Exactly what is involved when getting wrinkle treatments?

Damage to our skin can come from a variety of sources, pollutants in the atmosphere coming from vehicle exhaust, potentially harmful UV exposure from the sun, smoke, many things contribute to this. The skin forms these wrinkles that are seen on the face, and the more there is, the less attractive some people consider you to be, unfortunately.

Removing wrinkles is achieved by using botulinum toxin, as it is an effective wrinkle treatment. Laser treatments, simple skin creams, and chemical peels are other options that are designed to accomplish this goal. With all of these processes to be chosen from, it looks as if botox is becoming more well known all the time. We see ads for products on the market constantly, but the truth is that anti-wrinkle creams can only do so much to make wrinkles less noticeable.

Which of the available treatments will have the most benefit?

This is a matter of debate right now, there is no definite answer. Facial wrinkles respond differently to different treatments in different patients, so it is hard to say which one would work the best. From the available data and result, it appears that dermal fillers and botox injection have very good results, which is probably why they are so popular.

For how much time will a patient benefit from treatments?

Results for different treatments types vary according to which kind is administered. The amount of time that a skin cream will be noticeable is not long, and daily use may not even make a big difference. The effects of dermal fillers such as botox treatments last for months, as these methods are superior.

The comparison of cost and results

Treatment of facial wrinkles is not cheap. Skin rejuvenation treatments such as botox injections, and other specialized processes can cost as much as $3000 or more, or be somewhere closer to $300, it really depends on the provider. If someone doesn't mind applying skin creams every day and buying more often, this is an option for some. Cost effectiveness can only be calculated over a period of time as each patient may require treatments at different times. Overall however, it may be that botox injections and dermal fillers are the most cost effective amongst all the treatments available for face wrinkles. There are also some doctors who make the claim that the most economical means of reducing wrinkles is by CO2 laser.

Recovery time after treatment

Skin creams for wrinkles have no downtime whatsoever. However, amongst the more advanced treatments of facial wrinkles, it appears that microdermabrasion probably has the least downtime. This of course does not mean that it is the greatest treatment available, or that patients prefer the treatment process any more, as it is reported to be kind of unpleasant.


Wrinkle treatments for facial wrinkles are many. These different treatments have pros and cons that must be weighed by the patient. The ultimate choice will depend on the patient, what they can afford, what they are prepared to undergo and the experience of the treating healthcare professional.

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