
Finding The Right Macular Degeneration Vitamins For The ARMD

By Donna Fox

Macular Degeneration refers to a medical condition that usually affects adults who are over 50, although it has been found in younger adults as well. The result is a loss of vision in the center of the macula, or the center of the visual field, due to damage to the retina. Although it can be gradual, it makes it difficult or impossible to recognize objects or faces. The peripheral vision usually remains intact, which can cause a sufferer from realizing the seriousness of the disease at its onset. Many people aren't aware of the problem until it develops into more serious vision problems. But more people don't even realize that their problems can be solved with the macular degeneration vitamins.

There are two types of MD and are called the "wet" variety and the "dry" variety of the disease. The dry MD is due to an accumulation of debris that develops between the retina and the choroid, causing blockage, which in some cases can cause the retina to become detached. Unfortunately, there is currently no medical or surgical treatment for dry macular degeneration (AMD).

There are two types of Age-Related Macular Degeneration (ARMD) - Dry and Wet. Dry ARMD comes on slowly, usually over a period of many years. Wet ARMD can come on suddenly and cause more severe vision problems. Age-Related Macular Degeneration treatments are used routinely for people suffering from this debilitating disease. Wet ARMD can be treated in several different ways while dry ARMD can sometimes be delayed but treatment options are few.

Wet MD, is an advanced stage in which blood vessels grow beneath the retina, leaking their contents and causing irreversible harm to parts of the eye. To prevent both dry and wet MD, a preemptive approach is necessary.

This eye disease is most common in Caucasian females over the age of 60 who smoke but can occur in anyone as they age. Individuals with a history of MD in the family are also at a higher risk.

In the early stages of AMD, symptoms will not necessarily have presented themselves, but a doctor can still determine that a patient has the beginnings of the disease. It can be diagnosed with the Amsler grid. This grid is made up of several intersecting lines with a dot in the middle. The patient covers one eye and concentrates on the dot. If the lines look like they are curved or disfigured or there are spots on the grid that appear to be in shadows these are symptoms of MD.

MD is a difficult eye condition to contend with, but certainly not impossible. Many people are coping with this condition every day, and they are leading normal lives. So, the condition does not need to be a deterrent to doing the things that people enjoy in life. If you or someone you love is dealing with this condition, they can rest assured that there is indeed hope for those who have to develop MD.

Taking supplemental vitamins is an effective way to contribute the nutrients your body needs that you are not getting from food. Fish oil pills and a daily multivitamin are worthwhile to add to your daily routine. Talk to your eye doctor about supplements geared towards eye health to find out if they are a good choice for you.

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