
An Article On Glaucoma San Antonio

By Mattie Knight

Among the many causes of blindness, glaucoma happens to be the leading one. It is caused when there is excess pressure in the eye and damage of the optic nerve. It leads to a state of blurred vision and in advanced cases total blindness. In relation to this, the following is information concerning glaucoma San Antonio.

Despite the fact that everyone is at risk of suffering from this disease, there are some who are at a greater risk than others. These include people with past eye injuries, those who take steroids, those suffering from diabetes among others. The family tree also plays a big role in determining whether on is at risk. This is because one can inherit it from their parents or even siblings.

It is very unfortunate that the symptoms of this disease cannot be identified until in later stages. This means that one can be suffering from this condition without his knowledge. Its very dangerous as it slowly takes away one's sight. This happens gradually without notice and little by little one becomes blind. To avert this, early diagnosis and treatment is crucial since it is easily treatable in the early days.

There are however some crucial signs which need not to be ignored. Individuals affected by glaucoma usually have a hard time adjusting to dark room, seeing far away things or those which are very near and also the color of their iris appears different. It is also characterized by very watery eyes and swelling of the eyelids.

Doctors in San Antonio usually encourage their patients to have regular checkups of the eyes. Its important for the checkups to be frequent so that treatment can be done early in advance when there is still a chance for recovery. There are several tests for glaucoma and they are all very quick and painless. One should have eye checkups every two years or more frequently. Its important for all the tests to be conducted at once so as to obtain accurate results.

In the event that one is diagnosed with glaucoma, the next step is the administration of treatment . This can be in the form of prescribed medication, laser treatment or the traditional surgery. This is dependent upon the severity of the condition and the preference of the patient. Its however important to note that the sight that was lost as a result of this condition cannot be restored.

It is important for both the patient and the medical team to sit together and come up with the appropriate treatment plan. Doctors are supposed to take time explaining to their patients the types of treatments involved in detail together with the expected outcome of each. The type of treatment chosen should be strictly followed.

In conclusion, statistics show that millions of people from all over the world are losing their eyesight as a result of glaucoma. Due to the fact that it cannot be detected in the early stages however, doctors in San Antonio emphasize on regular checkups and consistency in treatment in case one falls a victim.

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