
3 Stages of Fat Loss

During my years as a fitness professional, I have seen a lot of successes when it comes to people losing body fat. I have also, unfortunately seen many more failures. The main reason for this is that people start a weight loss program with all of the right intentions, however, somewhere along the way, they seem to lose focus, and they slip back into their old habits of eating too much of the wrong foods, doing too little in the way of physical activity, and fail to keep up the motivation needed to get them to their fat loss goals.

There is a solution to this widespread problem. It's what I call my 3 stages of fat loss. When all three of these stages are fully embraced, and taken as far as the individual can go with them, great things will happen... guaranteed!

The 3 stages of fat loss are Admission, Decision and Realization. In my two past articles, I covered stages one and two. Now let's get right into the third and final stage to see just how this all works to get you to achieve your own fat loss goals.

Realization is, just as it says, the act of realizing your goals and accomplishments. In other words, after you have admitted that there is a change needed (and wanted) in the way you live your life from this point forward, and a decision has been made to do whatever it takes to get there, all there really is left to do is the work itself, right?

Now don't think that you're just going to wake up one morning and the realization will suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks. No, the 3rd stage of realization sometimes takes several weeks, or even months to fully develop. Please don't let this discourage you. Once you're on the realization track, there's not much that can knock you off, because you have the first two stages tucked in your back pocket. Never forget that.

If I had to sum up the main take-away for the final stage of the 3 stages of fat loss, it would have to be these four words "Do Whatever It Takes." Let me try to explain it for you using a real-life example:

A potential client asked me a while back...

"Dale, what are the odds of success with your fat loss program?"

My answer: about 100%

They said, "No, really."

I said, "Yes. Really. Think of it this way... "

What are the odds of becoming a black belt in Kung Fu?

About 100%.

Really. Because if you buy the uniform... pay for the lessons... show up every week and actually do what they tell you to do...

... and you actually learn the stuff and give it your best effort...

... then you will eventually get a black belt in Kung Fu.

Period. End of story.

You see, it's not luck. It's actually a predictable outcome from:

a. Following the steps and

b. Not quitting.

That's it!

See, the problem is in the original question. The client asked me what the "odds" of success are, and it has nothing to do with the "odds." When someone starts a fat loss program, and they are truly committed to getting healthy, lean and fit, and they make up their mind that they will "Do Whatever It Takes," they guarantee their success 100%. Through this final stage, the person will gradually come to the realization (usually due to all of the great compliments they receive from their friends and family) that they have achieved the fat loss goals which they had set out before them.

Now ask yourself these questions:

Do YOU have what it takes to admit that you're heading down the wrong path with your health and wellness?

Do YOU have what it takes to make a firm decision that it's time to change direction?

Do YOU have the willpower and determination to never ever quit until you realize your goals?

Will YOU follow the steps and get what you came for?

I'll close my 3 stages of fat loss with these facts:

MOST people who get married get divorced.

MOST people who start college drop out.

MOST people who start medical school quit. etc. etc. etc.

It's common human nature to quit BEFORE getting the rewards!

Staying OUT of that group means making an admission, a decision and coming to a realization.

Stop wasting time!

Live your healthiest life, start today!


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